Ergo Build with Pallet Flow

Ergo Build with Pallet Flow

Mallard Manufacturing, a gravity flow storage systems provider, has launched space and labor-saving layer pick solution for mixed-SKU pallet building—Ergo Build with pallet flow.

The Ergo-Build pneumatic pop-up separator holds the rainbow pallet in place at the pick aisle until the forklift operator presses the remote release button.

Unlike traditional layer pick applications, Mallard’s semi-automated Ergo Build lanes combined with pallet flow consolidates layer picking activity within a single aisle, boosting pick rates and safety while reducing downtime.

How it works

  • Reverse flow lanes equipped with Ergo-Build pallet separators are interspersed with pallet flow lanes
  • Pallet flow lanes feed pallets toward the layer pick aisle
  • Forklifts (using layer pick attachment) pick carton layers to build rainbow pallets on the Ergo-Build lanes
  • The Ergo-Build pneumatic pop-up separator holds the rainbow pallet in place at the pick aisle until the forklift operator presses the remote release button
  • Once released, the complete rainbow pallet flows to the opposite aisle for pick up

“Ergo Build with pallet flow maximizes layer picking and mixed-SKU pallet building efficiency, delivering continuous productivity for facilities with high-volume order fulfillment. Since its release, we’ve already seen Ergo-Build transform pallet building in the beverage sector and we’re excited about the impact across grocery, automotive, and retail sectors,” said Kevin Risch, president, Mallard Manufacturing.

Ergo build advantages

  • Significantly boost productivity
  • Continuous workflow
  • Remote-activated pneumatic controls
  • Efficient extraction of completed pallets
  • Safer work area
  • 3-6 pallets deep
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